From the Blog
New Year, New Direction? How to reset and refocus yur career goals
The New Year often feels like a fresh start, a natural time to reflect on where we are in life and where we’d like to be. For many, this includes rethinking our careers. But as you set your intentions for 2025, ask yourself: do I need a new career, or is it time to make my current career work better for me?
Portfolio careers: Having your cake and eating it!
Gone are the days when the ultimate career goal was to secure a long-term position at a single company, retiring after decades of service. Today, the idea of a portfolio career—or as some like to call it, a “portfolio life”—is gaining traction. It’s particularly appealing for those wanting to step away from the full-time hustle yet still crave a sense of purpose and engagement.
Charting Your Own Course: The Importance of Following Your Unique Career Path
Following your own path in your career is one of the most liberating and empowering decisions you can make. It’s a choice that speaks to authenticity, self-awareness, and the courage to create a life that’s truly aligned with who you are.
What is Success and When Will I Know if I’m Successful?
Success. It's a word that carries heavy expectations, often bringing more questions than answers. What does it mean to be successful, and why does the definition seem to shift depending on who you ask?