Your Plan
Life moves so quickly that time just flies so this is time to consider your long term.
+ How do you see your life unfolding?
+ What elements of life do you want to hold on to? What haven’t you experienced yet? How and when will you get to do the things you wish? What’s stopping you?
+ Do you have a view of what your future life looks like but don’t know how to get there?
+ Do you have a clear view on what is truly important to you?
+ Do you want to make a change but don’t know how or when?
+ Are you pursuing your true passions?
The Life Plan explores and clarifies your life goals so you best achieve what is most important to you. Let’s discuss how we can connect and start to work on your LIFE.
Work is important and you may have a view as to where you want to get to.
+ You may (or may not) be supported and invested in at work.
+ You may be looking for the next transition up the seniority chain but frustrated that you don’t seem to get the opportunity or recognition to make the leap.
+ There are challenging working relationships that affect your wellbeing of effectiveness of your output.
Alternatively you may be a senior leader finding it an isolating place to be and needing an unbiased, confidential and objective sounding board. The Work Plan addresses all this, matched on where you are in your career, the issues you face and your work goals. Let’s discuss how we can connect and start to WORK.
Time to connect with and consider yourself. So much futile effort is spent, often subconsciously, comparing yourself to those around you; or harshly measuring yourself against your own expectations or those of others.
+ When do you get the opportunity to consider yourself, just you, fairly?
+ Do you feel close to burn out, lost, overwhelmed with conflicting responsibilities or expectations?
+ Do you feel like a fraud? Scared that you will be caught out? Do you understand your own worth and contribution?
Self-care, time, reflection and contemplation are important pauses, time to step off the spinning world and support yourself to be your best self. The Self Plan is about you, your strength, your place and your worth. Let’s discuss how we can connect and start to work on your SELF.